Breeding at 84 Ranch
We take pride in raising our pups on our 42 acre regenerative ranch and as pups they play with our children and are introduced to various livestock from chickens, goats, pigs, cattle, horses and of course our cats. Our proud Colorado Mountain Dog parents live the good life on the ranch and get to run and play and be part of the livestock family. They have strong instincts to protect livestock, yet they are lovable dogs which makes them the perfect fit for a family with an acreage, farm or ranch environment. We have all sorts of predators from fox, coyotes, mountain lions, bears and more and we 100% rely on our dogs to protect them as well as our children. We have specifically bred our dogs so they carry the traits that not only give desirable colors in their fur, but also carry the traits that led to the Colorado Mountain Dog breed.
How to Get One of Our Pups
*With our recent high demand for puppies we have decided to release two of our 9 month old puppies we were planning to keep on our ranch. These are two in-tacked white males that have already been working with our veteran dogs so if you are looking to bypass the young initial puppy phase this would be a great fit.
For our 2025 Spring Litter there is a waitlist with a $500 deposit and is on a first come first serve basis. These puppies will range from $2,500 to $3,000. Puppies will be ready at 12 weeks old and if not picked up during that week the puppy will go to the next family on the list with no return of deposit. With our high demand and to keep our ranch running we need to keep disruptions minimal when it comes to coordinating pick up appointments. Also, we have no idea what the color outcome may be with each litter so we can not hold a puppy based on color or appearance alone. We understand that sex of the puppy can be critical so if you place a deposit and we do not have that sex available for the up and coming liter we are more than welcome to return the deposit. Thank you for understanding our process as we are a working agritourism guest ranch and the puppies are one small amazing aspect of our ranch.
UPDATE! For our 2025 liters we are now offering an advanced inception program where we hold on to the puppies for an additional 6 weeks which in that time period they will spend time daily with the livestock on the ranch as well as spend time with the veteran dogs to assist with boosting their protective instincts which were bred into these breeds. By request, if there is a certain type of livestock you'd like your puppy to be familiarized more so than our standard program we can cater to the needs to ensure optimal adaptability is applied. The cost for our team to work with these puppies during the six weeks is an additional $2,000.
About The Breed
What is a Colorado Mountain Dog? The CMDR Colorado Mountain Dog is being developed as a livestock guardian for use on small farms - less barking, wandering, and less aggressive towards people it doesn’t know. The Colorado Mountain Dog Registry is the registry doing the genetic development of the CMD, directed by the breed founder.
The CMD began in 2008, with a single dog, Caspian, just as the Morgan Horse breed was developed from the careful lines crosses of a single stud. Caspian had a wonderful combination of working aptitudes which made him suitable for small acreage farming. He barked and wandered less, and was accepting of people he didn’t know, as long as they didn’t pose a threat. Caspian was huge, nearly 32 at the shoulder. He was lean built, with a non-drooling muzzle, and very athletic. He was a stunning dog, and people stopped in their tracks to ask about him. Not all lines of CMDs have Caspian genetics. We continue to strive for a huge, tall, gentle dog who wanders and barks less, and who can either be kept in fields or pens.